Monday, August 2, 2010

roll call!

if anyone is out there and gets this message, let's organize a summer meeting. activism doesnt end with nicer weather. holla.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Say NO to offshore drilling! Join Hands Across the Sand on June 26th

(I'm passing this along... I'll be away that day, but you guys might be interested.)

Are you angered by the blundering oil disaster in the Gulf and disgusted by our country’s persistent addiction to fossil fuels? Then join with us and do something about it- because we only have one ocean, one future, and one fight to preserve it!

On Saturday, June 26th people all across the country will join hands on the beach with one simple message: “NO to offshore oil drilling and YES to clean energy”

For more information, visit

In New Jersey there will be three key events: Asbury Park, Seaside Heights, and Atlantic City. In addition people all along the coast are creating their own small events.

Please save the date to spend Saturday June 26 on the beach with other people around the country who are ready to move into a smarter, safer energy future.

Who: Anyone and everyone

What: A national event with participants joining hands at beaches and shorelines.

Message: “No to offshore drilling and yes to clean energy.”

When: June 26, 2010. Arrive at the beach at 11am. At noon join hands for 15 minutes.

Where: Asbury Park, Seaside Heights, Atlantic City, and more (Visit for a full listing)

RSVP: On our Facebook pages

Seaside Heights:!/event.php?eid=125558947478411

Asbury Park:!/event.php?eid=132480546769181&ref=ts

Atlantic City:!/event.php?eid=130651916961088

Clean Ocean Action is also looking for people to help at the Asbury Park event. Please email Meg Gardner, if you are interested in volunteering. Please also forward this message to your networks, family, and friends. We have the opportunity to change the course of history.

NOW is the time to stand up for our ocean. I hope to see you on the beach on June 26th!

Monday, December 22, 2008

red bank activism is underway...

we have nearly completed our first pamphlet in response to the ongoing israeli blockade on gaza strip. once complete, we will distribute the pamphlet around the red bank area, so feel free to speak to me if you want to volunteer. please leave a comment on the most recent blog post if you are interested in working with us.